Am I male or am I female? |
This post was written on an old blog of mine a couple of years ago before I went to Japan. I wanted to save it so I am keeping it here since it fits the blog theme.
this submission is partially me emptying my favorites, as well as
noting on all the "weird" Japanese cultural things that I have in my
favorites. I know this couldn't even scratch the surface on the weird
Japanese culture stuff that I know and even more o don't know, but I
figured that its a good place to start, and a great way to relieve
frustration at creating the second blog for my trip to Japan.
Apparently not only is CSS evil, but my compy hates it too and doesn't
want to get along with everything I try to do to the blog. Its switching
images around and just being a fuddy duddy overall. Urgh, but on
another note I would like to start with the article "6 Japanese
Subcultures..." because
it pretty much will sum up most of the stuff that I am going to cover
in this blog post. I may include things from anime, as I am not quite
sure what I have in my favorites at this point in time. I know that
lately my posts have been weird and whatnot but I am both emptying my
favorites and just blathering on about what is in my head at the time. I
really hope this doesn't discourage any readers, since I know how wide
of a range of topics I have and haven't been covering lately.
What I should do is start covering all of the really neat english
things in my favorites, since they are a great way to make sure and to
improve english papers just by simple and yet really fun ways of making
sure that one's not being too repetitive or monotonous and whatnot. I
also think that I should probably cover some of the cool and not so cool
webcomics I have been reading, since I bet I could make some pretty
awesome reviews about them if I tried, and I have a loooooot of
webcomics in my favorites. There's soo much to cover now that I think
about it because there is such a wide array of interests of mine. I know
I haven't done almost anything productive today, other than blogging
and struggling to make a blog's design... I kind of want to give up on
this, but at the same time I will not. I refuse to. Mostly because of
all of the intense work and research I've put in to try and make it all
work. Stupid CSS, being so absurd.
Oooh another weird link I had stumbled upon somehow some while ago when I first got my computer was which
is the most unusual site I think I've found yet. I say its unusual and I
put it in this post because I realize that it is asian related and can
give anyone a good laugh. I also realize that it uses both of my majors,
but makes me think that my Japanese Major will have a great purpose if I
can help the world be better translated, if only for this reason. I
also noted that on the Japanese Consulate's website, when I was applying
for my visa, there were a ton of English mistakes all over their
example application form and I really wanted to send them a better and
more proper version, but I know that would be extremely rude, so I
witheld, but maybe some time in the future I will do a walk in to help
I also know that Japanese and other Asian cultures have huuuge fandoms, in which awesome sites like and have
weekly or more forums and webshows to discuss what appeals to them of
the culture. These are generally all inclusive places and are very
friendly, but its sad because they have small followings. I think that
is mostly due to the fact they are spread by word of mouth and have
little to no major advertising. These kinds of sites are generally very
good ways to find out more or find out where to look for more
information on whatever subculture or major culture piece that has
attracted my eye.
I browsed my compy's favorites to find more things to post I also
realized I follow a lot of people on deviant art and have a lot of
youtube videos in my favorites. I don't have the heart to bother posting
hte youtube videos because maybe later one if someone were to click on
them the video might not work and that would suck because I might not
remember what it was of, or at least not remember well enough to find
something exactly like it or not find anything like it so that would all
be for nought. Also, I don't want to have to try to incorporate such a
link either because its already hard enough to incorporate stuff. Though
I am getting a little better at it I think. I realize I'm half rambling
but that is probably the lack of sleep and the sore jaw (think from
grinding in my sleep) so please forgive all typos as of late.
I think I am going to make four more posts today and tomorrow on:
- cosplay/anime characters in faves
- webcomics and reviews/thoughts
- english esque themed things
- and random goofy things in my faves that would probably weird out or make most laugh.
I do kind of wish that I was blogging on more important things, but maybe as life goes on my blog will become more themed, but so far its My life themed. Yup My! It wasn't a typo, just for clarification. I think that is also because I'm watching the news and Gadafi's home is being looted by the "rebels" and the news caster woman looks absolutely petrified for the stray bullets the rebels are shooting aimlessly everywhere as I guess they are "celebrating" overcoming many obstacles and winning against Gadafi. Ah, I might be typoing his name as well. Please forgive me.
Oh! Just found another thing that is interesting. Apparently Pirating off the net has boosted the sale of anime... Read more for your own gratification. I need not tell you the whole thing otherwise there would be no point of you reading it.
OOOOH! I totally remembered now that shopping online for Japanese stuff or anything labelled with Japan are huuge big ticket sellers now. Places like and other online sites and in person mini stores in malls are huuuge right now. Like Tomodachi at Roseville Mall or the Sanrio Store at the Mall of America right now are profiting greatly as a result of this boom. I'm sure that the reason these smaller stores are booming is because shopping online for well made products are too expensive.
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