Sunday, April 13, 2014



Here is one of my final assignments for Japanese language classes. I was writing about work and employment. I might be wrong, since it has been a while since I read all of this, but I was writing about work and what I might do after graduation. This first draft is what I wrote on the city bus on the way to work one day. I wrote it hastily in purple ink on a large sheet of white paper. I originally didn't write the kanji in, so some of it might be typo'd a bit. I also wrote it while I was talking to a woman on the bus who wanted to know what I was writing and why and in what language, so I ended up spending most of the route talking about my trip abroad and where the lady next to me had been in Asia.



This second draft below is the final copy I submitted to my professor after I had finished writing. I wanted my professor to really know what I was going through when I was making all of these decisions and asking her to write me letters of recommendations and such and just where I was overall at in life. I don't entirely remember what I wrote entirely since I really need to start reviewing kanji.


This final version down below is one a friend edited for me. When I was typing up the second, final version above, I was talking to my friend abroad about the paper and the best or most proper ways to use certain words and verbs. He asked me to send him a copy, which I did, and he ended up with this. He is so funny, telling me I should just hand in his corrected version because it is neater and less mistaken. But I didn't, because I know that it is always better to hand in my own work, even if I don't do an amazing job, as well as a teacher can always identify the true works of a student in a class of two. I am really jealous though because his looks so much more professional and reads smoother than mine does. I wish I could write as well as him, which motivates me to continue my studies! 

お客さんのサービスはとても大切と思います。よく、たくさんに流暢人の仕事はお客さんのサービスです。例 えば、空港やホテルカウンタでは人々はじょうほうをもらいます。部屋の鍵とかどんな席が合ってもらいます。たくさん外国人を見たから、色々な言語を話すこ とができるはすです。
今、私のアルバイトへは、時々日本語を使えます。アルバイトはおみやげ店です。ご家族とサラりマンと留学 生など会います。英語の言葉とわからないから、にほんごで手伝ってためします。ここへもお客さんのサービスは一番ためすことができます。けど、ここへたく さんストレスをもらっていますが、みらいにここではたらって着ません。
私は人とコミュニケーションすることが好きだから、将来サービス産業に入ろうと思っています。大勢な人と 話すことによって、今まで経験できないことあるいは、やりたくても今の私ではできないことを知恵の糧としてもらうことができます。コミュニケーションで自 分でも成長していくと思います。まだまだ未熟者ですが、これからもっとがんばろうと思っています。

Please don't steal or "borrow" these essays as I and my friend worked hard on them and deserve credit where credit is due. Plus teachers can typically tell a person's style of writing from another person's so you shouldn't plagiarize. I know these aren't amazing pieces of writing, however we do deserve our respect and credit so I thank you for not stealing. Also, copyrighted!

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